Building the Financial System of Tomorrow.



We improve the financial system by developing protocols and financial products based on public blockchain technology. We believe that new technology can drastically improve today's financial system and that the future of finance will be built on a composable DeFi tech stack.

Tau is a noncustodial legal protocol implemented for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Tau offers DeFi and Crypto applications to bring legal enforceability to their smart contracts in a trust-minimizing and decentralized manner. It provides permissionless and decentralised tokenisation of collateral, issuance of securities and secondary markets. It thereby enables on-chain financial products that are analogue to traditional financial market products in their legal standing and attributes. The protocol is designed to be a global, immutable, and governance- minimised base layer that allows for a wide variety of other layers to be built on top.

We are looking for individuals to join us for a leading accelerator program this summer and, afterwards, full-time in New York. The focus will be on developing Tau and bringing the first $1 billion in digital securities on Tau in 2025. We are collaborating with leading lending protocols, stablecoin providers, and tokenisation platforms to enable financial markets on-chain.

Open Roles


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain